Posted on March 17, 2021
Winning awards within the industry is one of the ways we measure our success. Of course, it never replaces the effectiveness of our work in the marketplace, but it’s a nice feather in our caps and encourages our creativity and style.
Posted on December 9, 2020
Team 52 is proud to announce that 5 of our submissions to The Nationals have been awarded silver! This is an incredible triumph – and we couldn’t be happier!
Posted on May 7, 2020
According to industry expert Hunter Milborne, the COVID-19 lockdown has presented a unique “Crisitunity” in new construction. He coined the phrase as a conjunction between crisis and opportunity. In a Webinar hosted by the Bay Street Group on May 6th, Hunter discussed the current situation in terms of other historic real estate downturns – pre-empting… with Hunter Milborne” href=””>Read more
Posted on February 11, 2020
A prestigious honour for sure, but more than that, validation that storytelling and 52’s focused style of strategic marketing is a winning combination when it comes to showcasing lifestyle properties.
Posted on November 27, 2019
At the heart of every new brand we create at 52 Pick-up, is a team of marketing professionals who take the time to know the brand. Our first priority is to really understand our client’s business, vision and priorities. We dig deep to reveal their target market, their stakeholders, their ideal customer experience. Only then… Read more
Posted on February 28, 2019
We recently reviewed CBRE’s predictions for Commercial Real Estate in Canada for 2019 and we’re happy to share some of its highlights. Boiling it down, here’s what the coming year looks like: High demand for commercial property in gateway markets (Toronto, Vancouver) forcing prices up 10-year lease terms (pushing towards 15-year terms) with top pricing… Read more