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52 Pick-up Inc. News
NOVEMBER 16 , 2016

52 Pick-up takes Silver at sThe Nationals

Our project, The Residences of The Hotel McGibbon has captured a silver award for Best Presentation Centre in the National Sales and Marketing Council’s (USA) annual awards event.

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22 ways to tell your design doesn’t work

1. It doesn’t fulfill the brief at all. Case in point: The product is for a relaxing beach resort and you portray something that won’t sell the product at all, like Borat in a beach suit. 2. All your documents are saved as JPEGS at the lowest resolution. 3. Comic Sans is the prime font…. Read more

17 ways to empower your salesforce

1. Provide them with the right tools, whether it’s an iPad, budgeting app or a few freebies to give to clients (Jays game anyone?). 2. Get to know your team member’s individual strengths and weaknesses to personalize their duties. If people are doing things they’re good at they’ll probably be happier too. 3. Provide personalized… Read more

16 brand mistakes you should avoid

Whether you’re redesigning a simple logo or your company’s entire image, here are 16 branding mistakes to avoid. 1. Designing your company’s logo on Paint or PowerPoint with special use of the spray paint tool. 2. A cliched tagline like: “Making customer smile, since the year XYZC.” 3. Cluttering your brochures with cheesy images you… Read more

The Art of Viral in Five Easy Steps

Our team had the chance to stop by Toronto’s DX3 conference on March 5 for Eric Harris’ keynote speech. The EVP of Business Operations at BuzzFeed shared some of the site’s secrets to viral success. While science plays a big part in it (tracking analytics and making predictions) there’s a fine art behind content too…. Read more

10 things we learned from from a BuzzFeed expert at DX3

When BuzzFeed started in 2006, five people were crammed into a small office in Manhattan’s Chinatown, experimenting with new media. Today, the site has over 425 employees and gets more than 150 million uniques per month, including 12 million in Canada.  Our team had the chance to stop by Toronto’s DX3 conference on March 5… Read more

10 questions to ask before a website redesign

Redesigning your website can be a stressful process and hiring an agency could provide the expertise and dedication that your new site deserves. Research an agency that fits your style. Before going to your first creative meeting, make sure to ask yourself the following questions. Why are you redesigning? Think about why you’re redesigning your… Read more