Brand Transformation -
A Legacy in the Making
Creating a comprehensive website for Milborne was a process that took over a year. Essentially our mandate was to rebrand the company’s online presence and refresh their corporate brand.
Milborne is the largest and most successful new condominium brokerage in Canada. Under the leadership of Hunter Milborne, the company has flourished throughout Canada, the US, and the Middle East. One of the goals of our corporate rebrand was to transform the brand and make it less dependant on Hunter Milborne himself.
To transform the perception that Hunter is the company’s prime asset, we recommended changing the name to Milborne Group. We designed the website to articulate a “patented” approach to new real estate marketing that has been developed by Hunter Milborne and imparted to his staff who are trained and certified in the “Milborne Method”.
This custom site was built allowing for an easy agency-to-client transition and giving the client the ability to fully edit images and text as required after launch. The site is responsive for Desktop, Laptops, Tablets and Mobile Devices with a rich user experience.
Milborne Group
Web Design